Concerts in Care Artist Biography
Jane Hayes

Since her debut with the Toronto Symphony, Jane Hayes’ concerts have taken her across Canada, the United States, Europe and Mexico. An active recording artist, she has over 20 CDs available on the Fanfare, EMI, Centrediscs, ATMA, Artifact, CBC-Musica Viva and CBC SM5000 labels. Jane moved to BC in 1993 to become a faculty member in the newly opened Music Department of Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Langley. Her passion for teaching was recognized when she received the 2015 Distinguished Teaching Award in the Faculty of Arts. In recent years she has appeared regularly on concert stages in every combination from duo through large ensemble, as soloist with orchestra to chamber collaborator. She is a founding member of Vancouver’s Turning Point Ensemble, the Yarilo Ensemble and Sea and Sky with clarinetist François Houle, violinist Joan Blackman and saxophonist Julia Nolan. Two new Sea and Sky CDs were released in March 2018 featuring music for saxophone, violin, clarinet and piano. Jane has just returned to KPU as Department Head after a year-long sabbatical when she devoted her energy to two main projects: researching possibilities for long-distance music education in northern BC; and giving a series of recitals and master classes in the Henan and Guangdong provinces in China to foster professional development among Chinese piano professors. As a result of her work in China, she was appointed Guest Professor at Henan Polytechnic University and will return annually as a foreign expert.