Concerts in Care Artist Biography
Amicus Music Duo
pianist / clarinettist

Craig Addy (pianist/composer) and Howard Meadows (clarinettist/composer) have branched out well beyond their classical roots. In addition to arranging and performing favourite works by Chopin, Mozart, Bach and other treasured masters, this duo has steadfastly earned an unflinching reputation for improvising new compositions on the spot, discussing only the musical key in which the improv will be created. Craig and Howard became friends while earning music degrees at UBC. As the Amicus Music Duo (Latin for friend), these musicians connect with audience members in many and varied ways, including conversations with listeners, the results of which often help shape performances, whether in a living room, a concert hall or cathedral. Three threads are woven throughout Amicus performances…a commitment to beauty in music, humour when it lands on the windowsill and the principle that ‘everyone loves classical music but are not all yet aware of the fact!’