Concerts in Care Artist Biography
Alden Lowrey

In his career as an itinerant trombonist, Alden Lowrey has played his trombone in 17 countries, 32 American states, and on international waters. Alden loves playing all sorts of music and has appeared not only with wind bands and symphony orchestras, but also with various dance bands playing ska, latin, funk, and pop music. He has worked with many orchestras across the country including the London (Ontario) Symphony Orchestra, the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra, and the Calgary Philharmonic. Alden loves playing in pit orchestras and has played for over 20 different productions including the Lion King, West Side Story, and 108 shows of Mary Poppins. Alden is also a full time dad with three children aged 9, 7, and 3 and is married to an amazing woman who plays more notes in one concert than he does in a year.