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Our live concerts act as a conduit between the professional performance community and audiences in care.

Concerts are provided by professional musicians in care facilities. Each concert is 45 minutes in length, and care facilities are encouraged to offer a series of concerts to provide a variety of genres to their residents (classical, jazz, folk, celtic, blues, etc).

Concerts are free for audience members, with the care facilities paying a small fee per event. We work around each facility’s schedule to provide performances at the best time for your residents. We take safety seriously, and will work with any health restrictions that are in place at your facility.

To book a live concert series for your facility, inquire about sponsoring a series of concerts, or ask any questions, please contact us.

Library Lunchtime Concerts

Library Lunchtime Concerts are free performances featuring Alberta’s top musical artists. Presented by the Health Arts Society of Alberta in partnership with the Edmonton Public Library, concerts are held on the third Monday of each month at the EPL’s Stanley Milner Branch (7 Sir Winston Churchill Square Centennial Plaza).  This free series is designed to be accessible for all audience members and we encourage you to attend, bring a lunch and enjoy the music.

Next concert:

Monday March 17th – 12.15 pm: Petar Dundjerski (flute), Allene Hackleman (French horn), Leanne Regehr (piano) / CLICK here for more details

Upcoming:  Mondays April 21st & May 19th (both at 12.15 pm)

JOY! Residents and staff were ecstatic to welcome [your musicians] yesterday afternoon, INSIDE in the Garden Area! The beautiful sounds of the violin and harp were a perfect way to welcome live music back into the centre after around 16 months of listening outside and over speakers. Residents applauded enthusiastically to each song, and many comments were shared of how much everyone enjoyed the music, even from people who said this usually was not their preferred genre. “Wow, wow, wow!” “Amazing!” “So good, it was over too soon!” were a few of the glowing reviews.