Concerts in Care Artist Biography
Peter Togni

Peter-Anthony Togni is an award winning composer, pianist, organist, conductor and former CBC broadcaster. He has been heard everywhere from Toronto’s Roy Thompson Hall, the Moscow Conservatory, the Oriental Arts Centre in Shanghai, to the Vatican in Rome for His Holiness St. Pope John Paul II. Peter’s music is broadcast regularly around the world and he has made several recordings, three of which were nominated for a Juno award. Peter is also one half of the duo called Blackwood with bass clarinetist and long time collaborator Jeff Reilly. Togni teaches composition at Acadia University in Wolfville and is the organist – choir master of the Principle Choir at St Benedict Parish in Halifax. He is also a member of the choir at St Vladimir’s Orthodox Church in Halifax. He makes his home in Dartmouth Nova Scotia with his wife Patricia and son Victor.